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- Short: 3D Artificial Life Evolution Simulator
- Author: Szymon Ulatowski <szulat@friko6.onet.pl>, Maciej Komosinski <macko@cs.put.poznan.pl>
- Uploader: szulat@friko6.onet.pl
- Version: 1.02
- Type: misc/sci
- Requires: 68020+,Kickstart 2.0+,MUI,NList,textfield.gadget
- Features: 3D simulation, realtime preview, easy species manipulation,
- POV-Ray export, OpenGL display
- All additional files required by Framsticks are available on aminet
- + MUI system v3.8 (C) Stefan Stuntz dev/mui/mui38usr.lha
- + Textfield.gadget v3 (C) Mark Thomas dev/gui/textfield.lha
- + NList.mcc v19 (C) Gilles Masson dev/mui/MCC_NList0.84.lha
- Optional files for OpenGL display: (registered users only, FPU required)
- + AmigaMesaRTL v2.0 by Jarno van der Linden
- http://kcbbs.gen.nz/~jarno/
- + Mesa.mcc by Szymon Ulatowski
- http://friko6.onet.pl/rz/szulat/mesamcc/
- Changes since version 1.0
- * OpenGL support!
- * contains simulator module v0.938
- + full energy calculation
- + different neuron types
- + more realistic muscles simulation
- + new evolution options (species similarity)
- + new physical simulation model
- * user interface improvements
- * many bugfixes
- The objective of this project is to study evolution process in a
- computer-simulated artificial world. We hope that, like in the real world,
- despite randomness and aimlessness of basic evolution mechanisms, it will
- lead to creation of more and more efficient "artificial organisms", still
- better and better adapted to the "artificial world" conditions.
- WWW support: http://www.frams.poznan.pl/
- e-mail: support@frams.poznan.pl
- On-line registration: http://order.kagi.com/?ONM
- Archive contains optimized versions for 020,020+FPU,040
- Tested on Kickstart 3.0 only.